women [re]build reviewed in THE PLAN Journal by Lynnette Widder, see here

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celebrating the work, words, and will of women in architecture

Contributions by Joan Ockman, Ila Berman, Mary McLeod, Despina Stratigakos, Marion Weiss, Sadie Morgan, Samantha Hardingham, Lori Brown, Julie Moskovitz, Annelise Pitts, Shirley Blumberg, Nicole Dosso, Winka Dubbeldam, Billie Tsien, Jeanne Gang, Margaret Cavenagh, and Penn Women in Architecture (PWIA).



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launch and talk @ AIANY

Wednesday March 4, 2020

Thanks to the Women in Architecture Committee, with collaborators Julie Moskovitz, Ramune Bartuskaite, Ramona Adlakha, Margaret Cavenagh, Annelise Pitts, Nicole Dosso.